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Heathfield School


Heathfield Outreach Service  


  • Aims to empower and enable mainstream educators to fully support inclusions.

  • Provides short term (reviewed on a half termly basis) outreach to children in mainstream schools through assessment, modelling teaching, coaching, joint working, support programmes, planning, sharing practice and resources.

  • Provides short term (reviewed on a half termly basis) outreach support and advice by working alongside and in partnership with mainstream teachers and LSA’s.

  • Assessments and programmes of support tailored to the strengths and needs of individual child and placements.

  • Shares and offers advice, expertise and experience to develop curriculum access and planning.

  • Offers differentiated curriculum related resources and support materials.

  • Training on use of specialist equipment/systems eg TEACCH and PECS

  • In reach visits to give opportunities to extend skills, observe unique teaching environments and methods, create differentiated resources and work alongside specialist staff.


 Who can benefit from our service?


  • The service is available to mainstream primary settings in the Fareham and Gosport area


 How to access our outreach service?


  • Please contact our Outreach Coordinator Debbie Dean either by phone or email for a referral form and we will be happy to arrange an initial visit.


Tel: 01329 512804
