Welcome to our Governors’ section.
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
Welcome to the Governing Body of the Federation of Heathfield and St. Francis Special Schools.
The Federation, which was formed on 28 March 2017, grew out of a desire to work closely with each other and to maximise the potential of sharing expertise, experience and resources to benefit pupils and staff in both schools. Regular opportunities for sharing INSET days and the cost of specialist staff/resources, etc. are also beneficial. Each school maintains its own identity and has its own DFE number and delegated budget.
Who are we?
The Governing Body, which is legally bound by agreed Statutory Responsibilities and Terms of Reference, is made up of 13 Governors drawn from staff, parents and members of the wider community. Details of current Governing Body Membership, Governors’ Pecuniary Interests and other information is included here -
What do we do?
The key role of the Governing Body is to help the schools provide the best possible education for our pupils. We play a critical role in guiding, supporting and challenging the leaders of our schools.
Our three core functions are to:-
- ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
- hold executive, and other, leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and pupils and the performance management of staff;
- oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure its money is well spent.
Governors are not involved in the day-to-day running of the schools which is the responsibility of the Executive Headteacher and Senior Leaders in each school.
There are a number of policies and other documents which the Governing Body is required to hold by law and these can be found in the policy section of this website.
How do we do it?
Our work is done through a series of meetings and visits to the school:
- Full Governing Body meetings are held monthly across the school year.
- Working groups are formed of 2 or 3 governors for particular short-term tasks.
- Governors regularly visit the schools to monitor the educational work.
- Minutes are taken of all meetings; those of the Full Governing Body are available to read at the school office.
How do you know what we’re doing?
We will write to you at least annually to bring you up to date with what Governors have been doing and to look ahead to developments in the schools.
If you would like to know more about governance, or are interested in joining the Governing Body we will be delighted to hear from you; please contact the Clerk to the Governors via the school office.
The governors are committed to providing the best possible experience for our children and young people and to maintaining good relationships with their parents and carers, and we look forward to meeting you in and around Heathfield and St Francis Schools.
Contact with Governors can be made via the Clerk to Governors -